
Italian American Culture Research Paper

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Important Cultural Values
Italians take great pride in social interactions. Humor, agreeability, reliability, and success in business and in social life are valued over assertiveness, and health, family, serenity, and financial security are the highest valued attributes to Italians.
Italy is also the center and birthplace of the arts.
Italians have a strong work ethic but know when to relax.
Roman Catholic is the primary religion of Italy.
The influence of the church is very high, many office buildings will have a cross or religious statue in the lobby.
Each trade and profession has a patron saint.
Italian Food & Table Manners
Main dishes contain pork, beef, seafood, potatoes, rice or pasta products.
Remain standing until …show more content…

Business Etiquette
Appointments should be made in writing 2 to 3 weeks in advanced and are mandatory.
Always reconfirm the meeting.
During the month of August many Italians go on vacation and business are closed. Additionally, businesses are closed on Catholic holidays and other national days off.
It is very common for several people to be speaking at once or to be interrupted while speaking.
Raising of the voice to be heard over other speakers happens quiet frequently.
Meetings are used for free flow of ideas and for everyone to have their say. Decisions are not normally made during a meeting.
Italian bureaucracy and legal systems are rather slow; therefore expect decisions and business actions to take …show more content…

Appearing impatient or rushing your colleagues in business negotiations looks like a sign of weakness.
Giving a business gift is only acceptable if your receive one first, do not highlight the company’s logo this is frowned upon.
International Business Etiquette Tips
Building relationships
Dressing conservatively
Observe the hierarchy
Understanding the handshake
Using titles and correct forms of address
Exchanging business cards
Valuing time
Honoring space issues
Interesting Facts
The colors in the Italy flag represent these virtues: hope (green), faith (white), and charity (red).
The number 17 is considered bad luck in Italy.
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