
Jealousy In Othello Research Paper

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Jealousy in Othello In Othello, Shakespeare presents us with that tragic story of a man who, in a jealous rage, destroys what he loves most in the world. All of the tragedy that happens in this play is caused by jealousy. It destroys their lives by causing Iago to show his true colors and forces Othello to destroy his own life as well as the lives of many others around him. Jealousy is what makes this play a tragedy, and if that jealousy had been eliminated from this play it would no longer be a tragedy. Jealousy is shown through the characters and their actions. Throughout the play you see the characters go through the stages of jealousy starting with suspicion, then it begins to consume all of their thoughts, then they take to the next level and begin to act on it, and finally it becomes the demise of all of the characters. The marriage between Othello and Desdemona is one which is based upon a mutual awareness and a true appreciation of each other’s worth. This is quite rare for this time period because most of the marriages were arranged, whereas Desdemona and Othello fell in love and eloped. The love of Othello and Desdemona transcends the physical barriers of color, nationality and age. But this love is destroyed as soon as jealousy enters into the mind of Othello. The character Othello is a prime example of how sexual jealousy …show more content…

It is that, which brings Othello misfortune, suffering and death. Othello denies that he would ever give himself over to jealousy. His denial shows his true vulnerability. But Othello clearly becomes consumed with guilt. Othello voices his fear that Brabantio was right, and it really was unnatural for Desdemona to love him. That he was too horrible to be loved, and that there love could never last. Othello contemplates his situation: he could be tricked and married to a woman who is already looking at other men. He fears that he must wipe her from his

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