
Jose Rachel Research Paper

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Rachel was born in Alabama. Her master, or owner told her she was born around 1850. She was never told her actual birthdate. She was first sold to a family in Alabama by the name of Columbus. They were poor and owned few slaves. It was a small cotton plantation with a big family so the slaves had to work extra hard. Rachel and the other female slaves lived in the stove room made of clay and grass. They raised plenty of different plants as well as cotton such as: Peas, greens, and potatoes. Every Sunday, Rachel’s master, Columbus, read the bible to them. If it was raining, they would not meet. Rachel never went to school a day in her life. The only education she got was learning how to count money after she was grown and married. She never …show more content…

“All I can recollect is seeing the soldiers march and I recollect them having blue and grey jackets,” Rachel said. Rachel would always listen to the music the southern soldiers sang to. “Look Away Down Dixie” was what they sang. Rachel was freed in June 1865.

Slaves would normally work from dusk till dawn, so they usually didn’t get a break for lunch. Some slaves worked inside, taking care of individuals. Some cooked, some slaves nursed, did laundry, etc. Some plantation owners allowed slaves to work for others and earn money. The owners would keep a portion of the money and sometimes let the slave keep it. This could be a way to buy your freedom. Most slaves lived in slave cabins with dirt floors. Slaves usually got real cheap clothing that was plain and dirty. Some slaves sewed different patches of cloth on their clothes to show their true colors. Some slaves were allowed to plant their own gardens and raise their own chickens to make their own food. Some punishments slaves that were given to misbehaved slaves were: whipping, putting you in the stocks(wooden frames to lock people in) and locking you in irons and chains to work. Most slaves were Christians, so either the Plantation owner would read the bible to them, or they had their own churches where they had service. As slaves, you would be separated from your family and auctioned off. You may never see them ever

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