
Jung Typology Assessment

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A personality type dictates ones compatibility in his environment. A personality is an explanation for how one acts, feels, and thinks. Once a person can understand their personality type, one can investigate further in order to interpret new meaning within his persona. The Jung Typology assessment is a test that analyzes people based on their responses to a 64 question test. Once an individual completes the test each person is arranged into sixteen categories. Once I completed the test I was categorized under two types, ISFJ and INFJ. Each letter within the personality types indicate a specialized word. For example INFJ stands for: Introverted, Intuitive, feeling, and Judgement. ISFJ represents: introverted, sensation, feeling, and judgement. …show more content…

Despite the one letter difference, the descriptions for each personality type was surprisingly different. ISFJ personality types value their relationships with friends and family. These people are quiet supporters of important people in their lives and express their emotion through observation. INFJ types also have a deep connection with their families, however, they have “insights” about their relationships that anticipate future endeavors. INFJ individuals perceive insights that act as a window into a one’s future. Sadly, an INFJ’s insights are often rejected by family members due to absurdity or disbelief. I know I am more likely to keep my comments quiet in regards to the way someone should run his or her life. Since I know that I do not have the answers to my loved ones problems, I came to the decision that I favor ISFJ personality types. ISFJ is not only a good choice for me because of my dislike for INFJ, ISFJ personality types reflect my tendency to observe and care for people in a subtle way. I appreciate the simple things in life and my family understands this. I find that little things have an infinite way of imposing love in those I care …show more content…

While some careers are simply ludicrous, others radiate the rapport I express in my relationships. The careers that are extremely appealing are Counselor and Nurse. Both occupations require a harmonious interaction with patients. I find that I work more fluently when I have meaningful collaboration with people. Nursing requires a tender and caring hand in regards to interacting with patients. Counselors literally interact with clients in order to provide a conscious solution for patients through tentative listening. ISFJ’s are categorized as a group of people who observe and remember specific details about a person. The occupations of nursing and counseling require a keen sense of understanding and commitment, which is specific to ISFJ

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