
Lit Motors

Decent Essays

Lit Motors: C-1

Group #1

Executive Summary

Today’s consumers seek quicker ways of travel at more affordable prices allowing them to reduce up to 50% off their commute time and giving them more time to spend with their families. The C1 motorcycle was designed for efficient high-speed travel, enabling you to slip through traffic easily. Once you arrive at your destination, you can park in the smallest spaces–even motorcycle-specific parking.Team 1 was selected to research, analyze, and re-position through a unique media plan and creative campaign. This campaign make every effort to not only promote the brand image of the C1 motorcycle, but it also aims to make new potential consumers aware of the brand and what is offered. …show more content…


Lit Motors will carry out an evaluative research of its marketing campaign prior to its execution and then again while it is running. The evaluation’s foremost objectives will be to consider the reach and impact of media relations and publicity programs. By evaluating the campaign, Lit Motors will be able to intensify the campaign efficiency and confirm that future campaigns take the precise direction and use the proper approach.

Environmental Trends
Economic trends of the recent past and the rising price of petroleum have placed a demand on alternatively powered vehicles with a lower total cost of ownership. The answer to this is the Electric Vehicle. The electric Vehicle industry is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) by 18% from 2012 to 2018 (Ak, 2013). This can be in part associated with the US Government offering up to a $7500 tax credit when you purchase an all-electric vehicle (Federal Tax Credit, 2013). This trend of incentives from the Government Public will help many of the targeted segments to afford the C-1. The General Public has also trended towards more economical forms of transportation in the recent economic unbalance our country faces. This suggests a shift from petroleum-powered forms of transportation to lower cost, renewable energy in the future.

The current high cost of electric vehicles, compared to the savings one would reap, is what is slowing down the market share of the

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