
Dystopian World Problems

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Another problem with A.I. making decisions in the military is that it would change the landscape of how warfare is fought. Robots lacking the emotional factor makes decisions and actions dangerous because there will no longer be the empathy when taking lives, which creates a greater separation between combatants and enemies (Bekey). As a result, the attitude toward wars could change because humans would no longer have to see death or destruction caused by war, it would no longer be something considered so horrible because it’s out of sight out of mind. Much like video games have desensitized individuals to killing because they know it is not real nor feel the pain or agony associated with war. This would unfortunately make waging war between …show more content…

Humanity could change to a dystopia where robots have become so advanced and efficient that they have solved all the world problems that have plagued humans for years. This dystopian future would see humans with no longer having purpose or accountability toward their actions since they will rely on A.I. to solve all problems. It would be unrealistic for humans to lie the responsibilities associated with making ethical decisions and expecting the decisions to have the same outcome had it been made by a human. Part of what makes a machine so effective at problem solving is that it can compute data instantaneously without bias or emotion. One problem with this, is that it may lead to an outcome where an artificial intelligent program has been tasked to ridding the earth of pollution and toxins that have poisoned the earth and with that program, may see human beings as the cause for the pollution and environmental problems of the earth and decide to exterminate humans to solve the environmental issues. Humans should use limited forms of A.I. to collect data that can then be used by humans to decide what decisions should be made next. By removing humans from all decision making it would create a loss of purpose that may cause people to want to die. Much like individuals commonly dying shortly after they retire from their life’s …show more content…

While experts disagree with how many jobs will be lost due to intelligent machines, most experts would at least agree that jobs will greatly be impacted by automation becoming more prevalent in all fields of the labor force. In society, "there is already a much wider range of application of machine intelligence to tasks traditionally done by humans than many people realize" (Cameron 14). Labor has already started going down in some workplaces where automation has taking over and reports from Bloomberg believe that machines could, 'replace up to have the US workforce within the next decade or two' (Cameron, Peterson 15). This would clearly create an unemployment situation where the current recession and depression of the thirties would look like a joke when compared. Humans could become obsolete in the workforce. General A.I. could decide that humans are not as effective as robots in the workplace and would possibly decide to have machines replace all humans job tasks. The economy would change drastically as a result of huge numbers of unemployment. Unemployment grouped with loss of purpose paints a very bleak possible future if we are to create a conscious general artificial intelligent

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