
Manage Health and Social Care Essay

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Unit 13: Manage Health and Social Care Practice to Ensure Positive Outcomes for Individuals Unit code: M3 Unit reference number: M/602/2850 QCF level: 5 1 Understand the theory and principles that underpin outcome-based practice Q1.1 -Explain ‘outcome-based practice’ Q1.2- Critically review approaches to outcome based practice Q1.3- Analyse the effect of legislation and policy on outcome based practice Q1.4 Explain how outcome-based practice can result in positive changes in individuals’ lives 2 Be able to lead practice that promotes social,emotional, cultural,spiritual and intellectualwellbeing Q2.1- Explain the psychological basis for wellbeing Q2.2- …show more content…

Different people look at health in different ways. It can depend on their culture, environment, religion or age group. In order to have a clear understanding about how the people look at health, I have conducted a survey from a random sample of people who belongs to the above groups (e.g. people of different ages have been chosen). By looking at what different people say about health, it is clear that each one look at it differently. Therefore, there are many ways to define health. When we look at health, all physical, intellectual, emotional and social aspects should be considered because they all affect our health equally. Health can be defined in many ways, positively, negatively and holistically. It depends on how the individuals look at their health and how concerned they are about it. Our state of healthiness will depend on many things such as where do we live, what job do we do, what do we eat, who are our friends and everything else related to our lifestyle. Our choice about our lifestyle can make a difference to our health. If we are interested enough in ourselves, we can improve our own health. Some people think, that it depends only on the health care we obtain; however, it doesn't only depend on this. It is connected to our lifestyle as well. Firstly, looking at the positive definition of health, it is a positive concept, highlighting social and personal resources together with physical capacities. According to the World

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