
Managing Public Transport Using Customer Satisfaction Data

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Public transport in an era where sustainability matters are thoroughly concern and have to comply with customer needs and expectation, challenges certain research on how customers perceive service quality at this sector (Fonseca et al. 2010). For instance, in service quality concept, reliability identified as significant factor to measure customer satisfaction since it can affect the way of customer or non-customer perception related with their travel experience (Edvardsson 1998). Therefore, satisfaction measures has been used oftentimes in performance-based contracting (PBC) of public transport project (Fellesson and Friman 2009).
This report convey some theories from the course literature which consider customer satisfaction data in public transport and adresses some question following: Q1: What are the pros and cons of managing by numbers (objective and subjective, strategically and operationally) and Q2: In what way can measures/data on subjective experience contribute to transport policy making?A further discussion will be provided below.

The Pros and Cons of Measuring Objective and Subjective Data
Commence with the concept of service quality, satisfaction is an substantial idea which known as noted value to comply with customer expectation (Edvardsson 1998). Therefore, it is needed satisfaction measurement in perceiving quality of service whether for customer or non customer perception (Fellesson and Friman 2008). Moreover, converting satisfaction into qualitative

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