
Mandatory Overtime In Nursing

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Mandatory overtime is a major problem for RNs and health care in general. In consequence of unequal RN staffing, organizations have adopted mandatory overtime often as a cost savings factor. The purpose of this paper is to voice nurses concerns about the health influences of long-term overtime and the quality of care that they provide.
Workplace Issue
Various factors have negatively influenced the nursing field. Those factors involve, but not limited to staff shortage, staffing ratios, mandatory overtime, violence issues, etc. In 2011, 16 states established limitations on the practice of mandatory overtime operated by nurses (ANA, 2011). Forced overtime laws monitor either nurse mandatory overtime or cumulative work hours. As prevention for nurses working mandatory overtime, state law permits employees to decline the offer of overtime by healthcare organizations, except during a medical emergency, which requires increased need for medical personnel unexpectedly. The overall goal of achieving mandatory overtime regulations is to produce supported practicing circumstances for nurses, as well as improve the quality of care for the patients.
Often when the hospital desperate in nurses they will offer incentivized shifts to nurses to cover up gaps. Besides, most of the time that will …show more content…

ANA rejects the adoption of overtime as a staffing solution and joints the Congress to establish national legislation to approach concerns about safe staffing and prohibition of mandatory overtime. ANA concludes that overtime is not a reasonable answer and has driven to various matters such as reduce patient satisfaction, an increase in adverse patient events, preventable medication, and medical errors and increased patient mortality. Besides, mandatory overtime reflects on job satisfaction, on nurse recruitment and retention, nurse fatigue and deficits in nurse’s work

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