
Marketing And Sustainability From The Perspective Of Future Decision Makers Essay

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Marketing cannot be defined by a single aspect. Marketing is formulated by the approach of satisfying customer’s wants and needs, segmentation, targeting and positioning and meeting organizations objectives. To function effective marketing is to create awareness, market research and create a desire for a product or service to name a few. Every person in an organization is responsible for marketing.
Drucker (1954) stated that ‘Marketing is not only much broader than selling. It is the whole business seen from the point of view of the final result, that is, from the customer’s point of view. Concern and responsibility for marketing must, therefore, permeate all areas of the enterprise.’
The aim of this report is to critically analyse ’Marketing and sustainability from the perspective of future decision makers’ by D. Pantelic, M Sakal and A Zenhetner (2016). In doing so, clearly defining and explaining what is meant by the term ‘sustainability’. Critically evaluating the results presented within the article. Evaluating the impact the finding will have on marketers in the industry and recommendations to marketers on how to respond to these impacts.

What is Sustainability?
According to World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Sustainability is defined by maintaining the needs of the current generation without compromising forthcoming generation’s individual needs. Chambers, Porritt and Thomas (2007) also agree that a sustainable development comes from

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