
Marketing Plan for Breakfast Cereal Targeting Dhaka City Dwellers

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1. Situation Analysis a. Customers Customers buying behavior is influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological factors. Cultural factors exert the broadest and deepest influence on what a customer is buying. i. Cultural: Culture is the fundamental determinant of persons want and behavior. Our target customer is middle income people. In this customer segment people are usually used to having ‘roti’ or ‘Parata’ for breakfast. But consumers are becoming more health conscious and somewhat multi-cultural (in a way consumer’s are trying to adopt other cultures and eating habits) these days and that is where our focus is to emerge our breakfast cereal product with the changing culture. ii. …show more content…

* Operation and maintenance by highly skilled and trained personnel: We will provide skilled sales personal. Adequate effort should be given to ensure excellent customer service and create unique brand value. Profit sharing with the distribution channel agencies will make them feel part of the organization. * Valuing Customers: Now days peoples are getting busy. Around, 85% of Bangladeshi people have limited income, so they have limited budget to pay for personal items. Different type of product packages will be offered for customers of different segments. Weakness: * Lack of information: As this is a new kind of product in Bangladesh people do not have much information about it. So to inform people we have to spend lots money for informative advertising. * Week Distribution Channel: We don’t have strong distribution channel. And we don’t have any outlet. Not only will that it take time to import our product from abroad because of different political and legal issue. Therefore, we do not create a strong distribution channel in Bangladesh at the starting time. So our product is not available at all places in Bangladesh. * Price: though we have to import our product and it will cost little bit high initially when we will be running at small scale. Best effort should be made to keep the price as low as possible. Another challenge is that, as we are keeping the price low customers might assume it

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