
Matthew Paul Individual Paper 1

Decent Essays

Individual Paper 1 – Critical Thinking and Communication Skills
By Matthew Paul
DMBA 610
Professor Kennedy

Introduction In this paper, I will analyze the memo by applying the steps of the critical thinking model discussed in Asking the Right Questions to assess the arguments made. Among the other tasks I had to make, I will not just analyze the memo but I will evaluate the author’s argument as objectively as possible. I will also provide a thorough evaluation of the issues presented and assess ideas critically, demonstrating clear and consistent treatment of each evaluation. Furthermore, I will verify the information that was in the memo and I will note what is not in the memo. For the last closure of the …show more content…

The question was not stated but after reading the Browne & Keeley (2010), I was able to get the clues in the communication.

For example, if the union should oppose the outsourcing proposal and here is where I turned it into a prescriptive issue. (1) Should the union oppose the outsourcing proposal? Another issue that raise question was about what Mr. Fuentes should do or what the union should do if state would intend to outsource and privatize the information systems management function within the DMV. (2) What should the union do if the state would outsource and privatize the information systems management function within the DMV? (3) What would happen to the 43 out of 75 state employees who are members of APEU Local 121 if this would happen? (4) What would happen to the customer’s identity if information of all the Americans is handled by someone outside the DMV?

There is another way to figure what the issues are with descriptive issues. According to Browne & Keeley (2010), “Descriptive issues are those that raise questions about the accuracy of descriptions of the past, present, and future (Browne & Keeley, 2010),” For example, (1) If the state cuts personnel cost per year that was approximately $250,000 per year, who of 43 union state employees would possibly be offered similar job positions in other departments? (2) What would happen for the 32 other employees that are not union state employees if these changes take effect? (3) What would

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