
Mdbk Bikes Executive Summary

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Mission Statement As a first-rate bicycle corporation we strive to ensure a generation of high quality bikes. We utilize our high quality, durability within our products, and relatively low price to garner satisfaction from all of our customers. Our stress-free environment enables our unique employees to eagerly apply their expertise and aid our customers in every way possible. By satisfying our retailers with generous investments we envision MDBK bikes to be in every household across the globe. We aim not only to expand and, subsequently, secure job occupations to satisfy trade unions, but to also gain vast recognition as one of the most preeminent bicycle companies in the world. Situation Analysis Competitive Forces The bike industry has been established for well over 100 years. In that …show more content…

As the manufacture, we are dedicated to providing geographically-centered (EXPLAIN) bikes for different locations of the world. If retailers, for example, are in a warmer climate on the planet, they will probably not want a dark-colored bike. We will need to make sure our mountain bikes are fit for any environment. As more people embrace their culture, we need to allow them to express their heritage with our extensive bike line designs. Since retailers, for our bikes, are located around the globe we will emphasize their location by providing designs that reflect the local history. Family size, which is expected to continue growing at-least through the next half-century, should aid in our expansion. Larger families will often have more children (and more potential demand for our products). Parents that ride bikes will often purchase bikes for their children to ride as well. With global populations on the rise, this could lead to greater sales for our mountain bike line (and our youth bikes if the market conditions are right for

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