
Medieval English Poetry : The Foundations Of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

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“The origins of the United Kingdom can be traced to the time of the Anglo-Saxons…” (Josephson). When the Roman Empire in Britain began to decline, the Angles and the Saxons started to conquer Britain (“Anglo-Saxons: A Brief History). As a result of this conquering, several different kingdoms formed in Britain (“Anglo-Saxons: A Brief History). This period of conquering and the forming of the Anglo-Saxons was between the middle of the fifth century and the middle of the eleventh century (“Anglo-Saxons: A Brief History). This time was also identified as the Dark Ages (“Anglo-Saxons: A Brief History). Between this time, the Anglo-Saxons were one the most prominent cultures in Britain (“Anglo-Saxons: A Brief History). Anglo-Saxon poetry …show more content…

Beowulf’s last battle in the poem is against a dragon. In this battle, Beowulf defeats the dragon, but in doing so, he is killed (Shmoop). Beowulf’s growth throughout the poem can be seen throughout his speeches and each of his three battles. Throughout the whole epic poem, Beowulf gives three main speeches, one before each of his battles. Beowulf’s transformation can be seen throughout each of his speeches. In his first speech, which was to King Hrothgar, Beowulf describes himself as having “awesome strength” (a work from an anthology 1244) and he also says, “When I was younger, I had great triumphs” (1244). Additionally, Beowulf humiliates Unferth, a Dane who is jealous of Beowulf, in front of a congregation of people by saying, “You killed your own kith and kin” (1248; Shmoop). These quotes show that Beowulf’s intentions are only concerned about increasing his own fame by boasting and degrading people in public. Before his second battle, the one against Grendel’s mother, Beowulf gives another speech. In this speech, Beowulf’s main intention can be seen through him saying, “It is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning” (a work from an anthology 1267). It is clear that the main reason for him fighting Grendel’s mother is to avenge the deaths of the victims and not to add to the collection of his impressive stories. Beowulf also goes on to say, “take care of my young

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