
Methods for Child Observation

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Child Observation Methods 1. Anecdotal Record Thursday, September 6th, a little girl ”M“ comes to daycare in the morning a little bit late, at 10:15am. When she arrived her classmates were about to have a snack and she was very excited to see everybody. “M” gave her teacher a hug with her two arms. Then she turns to her mom and says: “Bye, Mommy!” and ran to the classroom. “M” was trying to grab the chair with her left hand to sit down and have a snack with her friends. 3 boys and 2 girls were sitting at the same round table. After trying twice to get a chair, she decided to use both hands to pull the chair out. “M” walked around the chair, bent down her knees and pulled the chair under her as she sat. She slowly sat down in the …show more content…

| “E” was demonstrating her motor skills when she scrubbing her both hands. The girl extremely interested in discovering what she can do with the soap and paper towel. This type of activity can help improve child’s hand abilities: coloring with crayon, scrubbing hands together with soap, wiping the hand with a paper towel. “E” was doing a great job cleaning up the mess that she had made and she listened to the teacher’s direction. | 3. Event Sampling Target behavior: Children playing with a toy or material Time | Observation | 10:20 | At the snack table “L” was sitting and eating cereal. And “A” was playing with the stuffed animal. “L” got up from the chair and grabbed the toy from “A” and threw the toy across the classroom. “A” started to cry. The teacher saw what happened and went over to them. And she said to ”L” is throwing a good thing. And she made “L” go pick the toy up and bring it to “A”. | 10:25 | In the play area “J” goes to the science cabinet and took blocks out from the cabinet. And the teacher saw what he is doing. She went over to him and said: “Not right now!” He didn’t like what the teacher said to him and he threw the blocks across the classroom. The teacher didn’t like what he did, and told him: “You could have hurt someone”. | 10:25 | “C” was playing outside on the playground. She was walking around when “A” approached her and pushed her down. “C”

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