
Minimum Driving Age Should Not Be Raised To 18 Essay

Decent Essays

The big one six is an age kids look forward to their whole lives. A new found freedom teens gain when turning sixteen is driving. Driving is a privilege and an incentive for teens, and driving opens up a world of opportunities to young adults. Some people think teens are too immature to drive and should wait until adulthood, however the minimum driving age should not be raised from sixteen to eighteen. Sixteen should be the age to drive because parents cannot run teens everywhere, eighteen is a very busy age, and not all teens are immature. Moms and dads have a very busy schedule. When teens reach the legal driving age a little of the stress parents have on their shoulders is lifted off. Teens can drive to and from school, practice, extracurricular …show more content…

The false assumptions people have about teens is unfair to the teens who are actually responsible. I as a teen understand how dangerous driving is and how I am responsible for my passengers lives while at the wheel. Why should the driving privilege given to teens at sixteen be changed because of a few bad kids? People need not to have a bad outlook on teens just because some teens are infact immature, but some adults are not very mature either. Teens just need to not be stereotypes then teenagers would not have any excuse to act up if people expected more out of them. Sixteen year olds are perfectly capable of driving, and the new found responsibility could even make teens act more mature. Busy parents, a busy young adult life, and mature teens are why the legal driving age should not be raised to the minimum age of eighteen. Sixteen is a traditional milestone in a teens life, why would one want to take that tradition away? All the opportunities sixteen year olds receive driving would be ruined if the driving age is changes to eighteen, which could also ruin a teens future. Driving is an American rite of passage and the system for it is fine just the way it is. Let’s keep the age sixteen sweet and leave the legal driving age

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