
Minimum Wage Argumentative Essay

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Minimum Wage: A Threat to the Economy The minimum wage debate has been a hot topic over the past year, especially with the Presidential Election. This is a divisive topic that people rarely agree upon. There are essentially two sides you can take when it comes to this argument. Either people are for minimum wage or are against raising, or even having, a minimum wage. Proponents of the minimum wage are typically politicians who are lobbying for the vote of the people who feel that a minimum wage is critical to their wellbeing, and those who sympathize with people who earn “minimum wage”. Minimum wage is destroying America’s free market economy and someone needs to take action and find a better solution to this problem. Without anyone acting on this problem now, it can potentially be worse in the long run. Raising the minimum wage in the United States will do more harm than good to society because of the long-term effects. One of the arguments that is used quite frequently for those in favor of minimum wage is that everyone deserves a wage that people can survive on. No one can give a good reason as to why people should have to live in poverty while working one or multiple jobs. “In …show more content…

If this is indeed the case, the raising of the minimum wage does not positively affect the poor, but reduces the ability of the poor to purchase the necessary items needed to survive. If the employer must increase the wage of its entry-level workers, there is virtually no chance they will be increasing the wage of the workers just above the minimum wage level. Therefore, the increase in the minimum wage will reduce the buying power of the poor family by increasing the cost of goods required to

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