
Mixed Perceptions About Kids Using Social Media

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Being on social media daily, affects the youth-even adults- physically, socially, and emotionally/mentally. Because technology is so addictive, over the past few years, social media has begun to influence and take control of our lives. According to “Mixed Perceptions About Kids Using Digital Media,” kids and teenagers ranging from ages 8-18 spend an average of 7 ½ hours a day using digital media. Kids and teenagers use social media for different reasons. For example, some feel like they want to fit in with the “cool kids” by having multiple social media apps. Having the latest and greatest devices, trends, and social media is the biggest culprit of peer pressure in this day and age. They may not realize it, but by using social networks it opens up a whole new world of danger, risks, and …show more content…

Cyberbullying occurs mostly with pre-teens or teens. Cyberbullying consists of virtually tormenting, humiliating, threatening, or harassing a person. People will do dreadful things such as threaten and blackmail someone to make them do something against their will. Technology and social media are two big contributors for our society’s diminishing privacy. Just about anybody that is online can either find a person’s location, who they are with, and what they are doing. A simple picture posted on social media can trigger a predator to know personal information about the individual. Technology and social media makes it very easy for someone to ruin your life and reputation. Social media and technology can also affect the physical attributes of kids and teenagers nowadays. “About 59 percent of parents say their children’s digital media use prevents them from getting physical exercise,” according to Mixed Perceptions About Kids Using Digital Media. Kids and teenagers have become addicted to their electronic devices/ TVs because they prefer to play video games, text, keep up with what others are doing or posting online, and

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