
Movie Analysis: We Bought A Zoo

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11 Minute Essay
A new uprising situation, a fresh moderate beginning ;in addition, an adjustment that that can lead and pursue to unique life experiences. A recent development can uncover concealed new paths; furthermore, can lead to further passion, motivation , and even can be considered as a new achievement . To start, the reasons listed are experienced capable to occur in the future events. For example, as if an informed veteran ,was giving recall to what happened in the battle field to get rookie soldiers prepared and qualified as the employment of a soldier. A fresh start has many definitions, in some uses of the word it is recalled as if to a change routine is dreadful or unappealing; however, in other aspects, including mine, the subject is known as advanced and a positive outcome. …show more content…

As a matter of fact, it has been proven by scientist ,and used in many worldwide experiences including movies, books, songs, magazines, and etc. .For example, in the movie “ We Bought A Zoo”, a father of two children decides to quit his employment as a journalist and make a fresh start as the life of a zoo owner after he lost his beloved wife. He purchases the 18 acre land in hopes of a new start with little to no experience. While finding his new path as a zoo owner he discovers difficulties including the fact that the zoo was closed down, he had a small budget , and a limited staff ; however, through it all he makes success in his recent adjustment in life with the reopening of the

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