
My Best Friend

Decent Essays

I was afraid of losing one of my best friends due to having feelings for someone I didn’t know that well for a while, but gradually got closer as we hung out nearly day over the summer for two years in a row. I ignored my feelings for a while and brushed it aside, until I decided to step up and confess. It didn’t change anything between us, which I’m thankful for. I eventually learned to just listen to my heart, regardless of what could happen. For better or for worse, I’m glad I did what I did. It made me realize that I could do more things that I had fear of, even if it doesn’t turn out good, only thing that matters is that it was worth a shot to try something new.
Halloween two years ago, I was walking with my cousin Emily to a friend of hers’ house. I didn’t know anybody, so I was nervous to be around people I didn’t know. As Emily went inside, I stayed put outside. Shortly after, the door opened and a guy stepped outside. He introduced himself, told me his name was Will. In exchange, I awkwardly introduced myself to him. He offered me to come in, but I didn’t feel comfortable going in somebody’s home that I didn’t know, so I kindly denied the offer. He was persistent and seemed determined for a while to have me come in, but he eventually gave up and went back inside. Shortly after, a different guy stepped outside and I could tell right away he was different. He asked why I don’t come inside and once I gave my reason, he was helping me and trying to find a way for

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