
My Best Friend

Decent Essays

I knew something was wrong the summer my best friend walked through me. Katie was like any other normal eight year old. She loved princesses, castles, and had an imagination like I had never experienced. Katie and I had been friends since she was two years old and had always been inseparable. Everywhere Katie went, I went. Our friendship was one of perfection, filled with elegant tea parties, heroic missions, and sleepy bedtime ballads. Katie was my everything and I was hers, at least until that day on the playground. It was a hot summer day in the middle of July and Katie’s nana said that it would do us all some good if we went down to the neighborhood park and get some fresh air. Of course Katie and I were super excited, going to the park meant that we could play on the big playground equipment. We all got into the car and after Katie was all buckled up in her car seat, off we drove to the park. On the way there, Katie and I started talking about all the things we wanted to play when we got to the park.
“I can’t wait ‘till we get there and we can play pirates. You be the first mate and I’ll be the Captain”, Katie said jumping up and down in her car seat.
“Aargh”, I said as I put my hand over my eye making a pirate eye patch.
Katie squealed with laughter which I had found was quite contagious, so I too started to laugh.
Once we pulled up to the park, Katie’s nana opened the door and helped Katie out. I guess Katie’s nana forgot that I was in the car too because she

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