
My Best Friends

Satisfactory Essays

When I was really young I didn’t go to summer camp, I would spend it with my cousins on Cape Cod. From age 3 to 9 we would spend at least half the summer there, going to the beach and spending time with my family. I went to rec camp for 2 weeks when I was going into Second grade, but it wasn’t memorable apart from the visit to Funtown Splashtown.
When I was going into fifth grade my parents decided to send my sister and I to Blueberry Cove Camp in Tenants Harbor. It was a week long sleep away camp, 2 hours from home, I was pretty nervous the only person I had stayed with for that long was my grandparents and these were people I didn't know. Now this was 6 years ago, I don’t remember very much, but I remember the girl I slept across from and where I slept in my cabin. In fact I lived and worked with her again this year, she lives in California, her boyfriend was there that first year too and he lives in Arizona. The fact that somehow the 3 of us all came back together 6 years after and many miles apart is what makes blueberry cove special.
In the past 6 years I’ve met so many people I wouldn’t be friends with anywhere else. Here you spend a week with people that become your best friends, I spent a total of 44 days over 4 years with some girls I still consider family even if I haven’t seen them in years. One of those girls lives in Ireland and I would feel fine flying over and staying with her, she’s like my family at this point.
I spent a lot of time at Blueberry Cove over

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