
My Philosophy of Education Essay

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Philosophy of Education A famous author once said, “When you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.” There is truth in that statement when we look at the nature of humans today. Today’s society is filled with people who are wondering around with no purpose or direction in life. People today are content with this helpless lifestyle and so generation after generation will continue until the society has no leaders. I attribute this directly to the education of these individuals. As a future teacher, I must look at what the nature of students has become, the nature of knowledge, and ask myself why we have public education. In order for me to be an effective educator, I must reevaluate my philosophy …show more content…

As an educator, it will be my responsibility to help ensure that students are learning to be independent of the environmental trend and able to cut their own path through life. With this view on the nature of students, I am inclined to believe that the nature of knowledge is relative, depending on person, place, or time. Knowledge is defined as an understanding of facts. I extend this definition to include the social aspect saying that knowledge is the understanding of facts in a given society. What is knowledge in one society may not be knowledge in the next society. When the social aspect is looked upon, then knowledge depends entirely on person, place, and or time. This seems to imitate the way that Rousseau may have looked at knowledge. When Rousseau talked about the importance of education in a rural setting, I believe that he had in mind that the facts that are taught in an urban setting are entirely different then if taught in a rural setting. Knowledge depends on time. I look at time in the context of years. What was knowledge 15 years ago, in some cases, is entirely different. The study of cancer and its causes is entirely different in some aspects than it was just five years ago, so that is an example of relative knowledge. Finally, knowledge depends on the person that is taking in the facts being taught. In my experiences through school, I see people who are separated by only one

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