
My Way Into Culinary School

Decent Essays

My Way Into Culinary School Sitting in the classroom, getting myself to type this memoir, thinking about how I got here, and considering situations that influenced my decision to join culinary school. Never knowing what the future will bring, the most we can do is let ourselves to the best we can. Overcoming challenges is not easy, it is however something we eventually learn to do. Part of growing up means learning to get through the day, and whether we realize it or not(and as absurd as it may sound) we are all going through life on a day to day basis. What does this have to do with culinary school? To give a simple and almost grotesque answer it is safe to say, “We have to eat”, there is, however, more than just a simple answer to this question. It takes more than getting through the day than just finishing the tasks at hand that you need to finish. For many kids school takes most of their time, for them this means having to start their day early in the morning. Getting up and going to class becomes a routine that eventually for many becomes a habit. As they go through their days with their worries often being no greater than getting along with the others kids. Having to take their classes means putting up with the teachers and doing the simple tasks required of them that will eventually help them have and live a better life. Without knowing it, they are paving their way day by day into a better and brighter future for themselves and those around them. For other

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