
My Writing Experience Essay

Decent Essays

When I was in fifth grade, I always believed I was not a writer. Math and science I understood decently but when it came to writing I was blank. For my fifth grade star test, I barely passed with a three on the writing portions and I always found telling stories on paper as dull and annoying in a way. I could never get what I was thinking into my paper, it always got lost somehow in the translation to thought and left me unsatisfied with what I wrote. Joining the fifth grade that year made me especially nervous. What if on the first day I had to write a story?what would my teacher think of my sub par work? Why was it so difficult and taxing on my mind to come up with the right word for a phrase? I was beginning to think of all of my problems I faced that year and school hadn't even started. I elected to ask the best source of knowledge I knew of, my mother. If she could raise a kid, she could help me write also, or at least that was the thought. Later I would know my mother affirmed my realization that some people weren’t writers and that I definitely wasn't one when she mentioned how she never was a writer as a child. The craziest thing about my dilemma was how it was only writing i never understood, reading and the rest of my school subjects I understood perfectly, and I even had one the …show more content…

I poured my soul into my paper, the pencil my medium of communicating ideas and thoughts. I felt as if I just made this one essay right, made it completely flawless, she would believe in me being able to write. I just wanted to show I could and that I deserved a four and that I could- the bell to release class rung through the school. The sound echoed in my ear and stayed with me as I finished my masterpiece with a swipe of my pencil. I was anxious as I handed in the paper, and my teacher stopped

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