
My Writing Experience With Writing

Good Essays

All throughout my years of schooling, I’ve had just about, one paper that was about one page long, due every year. My papers never had to be more than one page in length. Therefore, I did not have to do much writing or do many essays. Surely not enough to remember any of the assignments. Writing has never been something I enjoyed doing, so I never bothered to many any memories of my writing experiences. I did not think it was necessary to remember any of them since I only had to do them to get a grade. The only writing experience I remember was the first assignment I had in this English 100 class about a writing experience. All week long, I sat there thinking about what to write about, but nothing came to mind as a topic. Then, one thing came to mind, but it was so very vague, I could not write the length that was needed for the assignment. I could only think of a few sentences to write for it. After sitting for a few moments longer, I thought, how about I write about how difficult it was for me to write this essay before it was due. As a student, I have always struggled in school and never paid much attention in my classes. I never had very much motivation to go to school. When I was at school, I never listened to what the teachers were teaching. I never really paid attention and did my work. Instead I spent my time in class doodling on my papers. Throughout all of my schooling, I cannot remember a single year where I have missed less than twenty days of school due to me

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