
NFL Concussions

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NFL Concussions
In NFL history the first person who was ever diagnosed with CTE was the Pittsburgh Steelers, Mike Webster. During the years as he played he was never diagnosed with a concussion, but once he had committed suicide years later scientists started to wonder. Scientists explain “Through the discovery of CTE in the brains of athlete Mike Webster and many others, have launched the disease into public consciousness. Showing 87 of 91 former NFL players have been diagnosed with CTE.” ("What is CTE") Through all of the tragic happenings, the NFL did nothing. The NFL had denied the fact that there was anything going on and that it could not have been their fault for endangering one of America's best defensive player. While some may not …show more content…

It can lead to serious long-term outcomes such as headaches, dizziness, CTE and much more. Concussions occur when the brain is hit against the skull with excessive force. The effects can be a loss of consciousness, tinnitus, disorientation, amnesia, double vision, headaches, confusion and many others. ("Concussions") The constant blows to the head can cause CTE; however, it can only be discovered after death. In football, blows to the head can cause serious concussions, but too many hits to the head can have a long lasting effect on you. Bennet Omalu states "CTE is believed to be caused by repeated blows to the head" (ABC News) CTE means Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy this is be caused by repeated injuries to the head that causes a critical protein in the brain called Tau to change shape and misfold. While the Tau is changing it clumps together. These clumps slowly kill neurons and cells. The lack of blood flow to the human's brain is what slowly kills a person later on. However there are ways to try and help solve these …show more content…

NFL players have finally gone against the NFL corporation. This specific argument went to court saying that head trauma was never in the professional athlete's settlement. Hurley explains “That the settlement did not cover potential victims of a degenerative brain disease that scientists have linked to repeated blows to the head” (Hurley) Professional players are still not agreeing with the NFL and the rules about the concussions. There have been many professional football players who have brought up the argument of concussions with the NFL and they have not won. Despite that, the court argument with Siegel went in the professional athlete's way. Later on, Siegel announced that "Forty-five hundred players sued the league over concussion-related injuries" ("Concussion Dispute") These athletes that have brought this argument back up having thought this was unfair to them. Through the findings and the explanations about the NFL settlement with their athlete's there should be a change to their settlement to be in more favor of the athlete's life since it is at risk. With these risks at state there are many experts trying to fix these

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