
Neonatal Hie: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Description of the impetus for proposed project, clear demonstration or statement of current practice (i.e. environmental scan) the gap or need identified, and detail of perceived value of project outcome. Neonatal HIE is a very distressing and traumatizing event for parents and families with high mortality rate and sever neurodevelopmental disability on down the road. The first and most important concern for parents is to know the severity of brain injury together with the prognosis for the long-term outcome. Monitoring of brain function is necessary to support clinical management, determine the need for therapeutic interventions and aid prognostication. Continuous, multichannel electroencephalography (EEG) is the gold standard for assessing brain function in neonates with HIE (16), however it is rarely available immediately after birth or on an out-of-hours basis. Many tertiary units do have access to amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) but misinterpretation of the aEEG can occur …show more content…

The lack of solid markers to determine the long term outcome and prognosis in neonates with Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy makes parents counseling very challenging. An easily obtainable, bedside physiological marker for the severity and possible long-term outcome at an earlier time point might be very important for earlier prognostication and parental counseling. The heart rate variability (HRV) is a non-invasive index of the neural control of the heart, and may reflect the functional state of the central nervous system (18, 19). Heart rate is influenced and regulated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic components of the autonomic nervous system (20). HRV refers to constant changes in the time interval between consecutive

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