
Netflix Persuasive Jobs

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Binge watching Netflix has become something of a modern pastime. People from all walks of life love to throw on their favorite series or movie and kick back. Entrepreneurs are just as guilty as anyone else of spending entirely too much time with their favorite streaming service. However, there's so many tasks that need to be get done every week that they can often pile up. Fortunately, time spent binge watching the latest original series doesn’t have to also be unproductive. You can still relax and unwind at the end of the day while completing smaller tasks that can't be completed during your normal work day. I’ve discovered nine things that almost every entrepreneur can do to build their business while taking in their favorite show. Follow …show more content…

Yet, if I’m being honest, it can be dreadfully boring when you put your full focus into it. Instead, use your Netflix time to follow groups, hashtags and viral content that’s relevant to your business. Follow or friend people who fit the profile of your ideal customer or client. Schedule Social Media Posts for a Week Your online presence requires consistent updates on multiple social networks. That either means spending your days posting at regular intervals, or using a service like Buffer to drip them out for you. Even with such a time saving service on your side, you still need to find what you’ll be sharing and creating the schedule. Watching Netflix is the perfect time to take care of your scheduled updates. You’ll have enough focus for your favorite series and taking care of an important business task. Respond to Emails Some emails require an urgent reply, which I try to take care of throughout the day. The rest, however, I save for Netflix time. Friendly emails from business connections, project update emails for clients and reaching out to industry influencers are all perfect for when I’m kicking back with Orange is the New Black. Create or Update Your To Do …show more content…

However, a to do list is only powerful if it's kept up to date and used regularly. Use your Netflix time to look over items on your to do list, check things off or alter their priority. Not using to do lists yet? Next time you're streaming your favorite show, explore to do list apps and find one you enjoy. Make a habit of creating to do lists every evening before the next day, and using them throughout the day to keep you on track. Reach Out to People on Twitter Twitter is one of the best ways to reach industry influencers, thought leaders and your target market. You can direct message key people and stay connected with those you’ve met. Twitter is essentially one massive conversation that anyone can take part in. Use your Netflix time to have your voice heard by the right people. Comment on Industry Leading Blogs Leaving meaningful comments on the right blogs can forge connections with the right people. Even the biggest blogs out there appreciate receiving well thought out comments. Avoid leaving simple compliments and provide some added value to the piece. Schedule Calls and Meetings Most entrepreneurs try to schedule calls and meetings as they come up, but with so many different means of communication, it's easy for them to fall through the cracks. Use your streaming time to go through past emails and chats to make sure you have every call or meeting on your calendar. Test Out New Software and

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