
No Motor Outfitters

Decent Essays

In continuation of last week’s paper, I am going to breakdown the everyday business of No Motor Outfitters. I will indicate how the procedure will function from the consumer’s side of the business as well as the company side. I will show the organizational process standards that I feel will be most appropriate to No Motor Outfitters and the goals we have for our customers. In the past few years the sport of kayak fishing has exploded on the scene. Wherever there is a body of water you will most likely find a kayak and or a kayak angler. Kayaks are cheap easy to maintain, and in some states require no registration. They are additionally low impact on the environment and use no fossil fuels like gas or oil, in short they run on ham sandwiches …show more content…

There needs to be the proper tools in place for each department. Stage 1will require registers, inventory tracking systems, alarm systems, and the ability to test run equipment for safety. In stage 2 a computer and phone will be all we need, as time goes on these things will need to be expanded upon. In stage 3 it’s still pretty simple our “Pro Staff” Positions will be in large part made up of employees who we feel represent No Motor Outfitters philosophy as well as the sport that they choose to represent. They will need to be knowledgeable, and have the desire to grow the paddle sport industry, and maintain a level of safety for themselves and others in the sport. We can do this by having the best computers and systems that allow the most up to date and top of the line information on equipment and materials. With each stage of growth, a company goes thru it needs to keep the tools up to …show more content…

Sales associates don’t do it all by themselves. There will be marketing and accounting and maintenance and so forth. This is the stage that allows the whole team to work in tandem with each other to perform flawlessly to make No Motor Outfitters the best it can be. No Motor Outfitters will outsource parts of their business as the plan is blueprinted now. This will be a very important part of our ability to succeed. There is, however some limitations to what can be done as a free enterprise. There are regulations and laws not only from the United States, but also from the countries that the outsourcing is going too. There needs to be some regulation to keep consumers, and businesses from both ends of the map protected. There are opportunities to outsourcing. The economy of the countries we go to will play a role in prices and products we are able to receive. It is typically cheaper to buy and manufacture products overseas because they have less government regulations and standards. There are lower pay wages and material cost and the laws from their countries don’t put as many restrictions on products like the US does.

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