
Nt1310 Unit 3 Research Paper

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RQ3: Cost. Can SEEDS provide decision-making support to the software engineer with regard to energy consumption implications at a reasonable cost? Table 1 shows the 7 selected Java applications that use the Collections API and have an associated test suite, are used for the evaluation. Table 1: Subject applications RQ1: The goal of the first research question is to determine if the same kind of improvements can be achieved in real applications in an automated manner. So two optimized versions of each subject application are created, one using only Collections implementations from the JCF and the other using Collections implementations from all its included libraries. Both versions were run ten times, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine if there is a statistically significant difference in their energy usage. Table 2: SEEDSapi effectiveness in improving energy usage. …show more content…

In future we will be facing a major problem related to energy in every sphere and hence, technology will also be facing this and taking proper measure to improve and enhance the energy efficiency is very important. For OLED smartphone screens , there can be more research in this field to further see how applications be integrated in the mobile to make better use of technology or how can screen resolution be changed and colour scheme be changed without changing the readability. There have been researches wherein the OLED screen of the smartphone was made more energy efficient by reducing the number of pixels used. So taking such examples there can be further research on different components of the screen and colours on a smartphone to reduce the energy utilisation. There can be methods wherein the web application can be optimised further to reduce energy rather than changing the screen

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