
Nursing Assessment of Patients in the UK

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Assessment of a patient is a big process of decision making, it is about the collection of information which will contribute to an overall judgement of a person and the illness they may have. Lloyd (2010) states that assessment is one of the first steps which is needed to be done in the nursing process, it is a building block for a relationship and an ongoing process which lets health professionals gather the correct information to help them understand the problems and needs that the patient is going through. Most of the nursing assessment which are in use today will all have very similar aims. The difference is that how the assessment’s are carried out is where the differences come from.
In Wales we used to use CPA Assessment but this has now been replaced by what we call CTP (Care and Treatment Plan). The CTP was introduced under the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010,
As before it is for people receiving Secondary Mental Health services for example from a Psychiatrist, Social Worker, Occupational Therapist, Community Psychiatric nurse etc. The main body of the Care and Treatment plan is gives the person the opportunity to set themselves goals or outcomes, to have a risk assessment and to have a care coordinator to review their care. (Welsh Government 2010). (See appendix 1 for the CTP Document). A good plan need to hold its focus on long-term outcome but also less intimidating steps which allow you to move forward. (Hafal 2012).The CTP assessment should contain all of

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