
Nutrition And Nutrition Essay

Good Essays

Sarah West
Mrs. Derryberry
Advanced English Language Arts 12
November 15th, 2017
School Lunch Programs Encourage Poor Nutrition
School lunch programs are one of the leading causes for the health epidemic among children. Most parents do not realize that allowing their children to eat lunch at school is harmful to their health. Patricia Froberg is a nutritionist at a medical center for children. She says she cringes whenever one of her patients says that they get their lunch from school (Yeoman 1). This is due to the malnutrition of meals provided by the schools. The effects of eating at school can affect anyone, but studies have found that poor children are more greatly affected by the school’s lack of nutrition because they tend to eat both breakfast and lunch at the school, which is at least two-thirds of the calories that they will eat each day of the week (Yeoman 4). The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) are two of the programs that provide meals to students everyday. They have certain federal requirements that they have to follow. These limits include the types of food included in each meal and the nutrients of these items (“School Lunch Programs Encourage Proper Nutrition” 1). Although the government says that school lunches meet federal nutrition standards, school lunch programs encourage poor nutrition because of high fat levels, the use of unsafe meat, and its contribution to obesity.
One reason that school lunch programs

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