
Ocean Dead Zones Essay

Decent Essays

When referring to Arizona’s water Kris Mayes, chairwoman of the state’s utility regulatory panel once said, “How do you say just how valuable water is in an arid state like Arizona?” she said. “It’s like the credit-card commercial-it’s priceless” (McKinnon). She was right, because in a dry state like Arizona, water is pretty important. To say water is ‘pretty important’ for the world is an understatement. We use water to function. And when we think of water we think of saving it. Keep the faucets from dripping or turn off the water while brushing your teeth. There are numerous tips for water conservation, but people don’t often think of the damage that is already done. Damages like ‘dead zones’. Dead zones in the ocean have been around for …show more content…

Except for those who take a look and take the time to discover the causes. One of the many causes of the oceanic dead zones is synthetic fertilizers. For Arizona, changes in the weather tends to mean cooler air and some waterworks, which is a balm to our constant heat. However, for the ocean, climate change can be a deadly change. Though, it does not seem a likely cause, changes in currents, tides and winds can disperse the borders of dead zones. In the northwest pacific dead zones can be up to 20,000 sq miles and winds can spread the dead zones and make them larger (Pope). Causing all marine life who are unable to swim away to die. When searching for sea life in one of these dead zones a marine biologist, Jane Lubchenco, said, “it was so overwhelming and depressing” to see only the bones of those animals left behind (Weiss). Strong winds are producing plankton to quickly at higher sea levels and isn’t being consumed quick enough by fish (Weiss). The left over plankton dies falling to the ocean floor and begins to decay. Which then causes a dead zone or spreads and already dead zone farther out. It wouldn’t be a problem if upper waters pushed oxygen to the rotting areas, but in Oregon, there has been a change with the wind. The wind is now pushing areas without oxygen to shallow waters and closer to shore (Pope). So, instead of taking oxygen to the dead zones, the winds are

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