
PSY 325 Statistics for Behavioral and Social Science, Ashford

Satisfactory Essays

PSY 325 Statistics for Behavioral and Social Science, Ashford
Week 1, Final Paper Topic Selection

For the Final Paper, you will identify three to five research studies from peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last ten years, which investigate a particular social science problem or topic. The Final Paper will focus on critiquing the varying statistical approaches used in each of these studies.

Your assignment this week is to identify the topic that you intend to focus on for your Final Paper. You may identify any social science problem or topic; however, it must be something that has been studied using quantitative research methods. Some examples of possible topics include:
Effectiveness of …show more content…

For example:
I. First Study
A. Introduction
B. Methods
C. Results
II. Second Study
A. Introduction
B. Methods
C. Results, etc….
Every outline heading and subheading must include a two to three sentence description. Additionally, for each study, indicate how it will support the overall concept of your Final Paper and which areas of the Final Paper it will apply to. Your assignment must include a reference page listing the three to five quantitative research studies from peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last five years (these will also be used for your Final Paper). It must be formatted according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

If you need more guidance, you can find a sample outline in the Ashford Writing Center, located under Learning
Resources in the left-hand navigation panel of your classroom. Your assignment should be four to five pages as follows:
Title Page (one page)
Outline (two to three pages)
Reference Page (one page)
Week 5, Final Paper

For your Final Paper you will conduct a research study critique. Utilize the instructor-approved topic that you selected in Week One of the course. Identify three to five quantitative research studies from peer-reviewed sources which were published within the last ten years that investigate this topic. Describe

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