
Personal Academic Goals

Decent Essays

I am in the 49er rebound program because of the events that happened during the spring semester of 2016. I transferred to UNC Charlotte from Sandhills Community College and came in as a sophomore. Because of the fact that I came in the middle of the school year, I was unaware of all the on campus resources that are available to me. Long story short, I ended up on academic probation and am in this class in hopes of getting off of it while obtaining new positive academic habits. Personal academic goals for this semester: Throughout this semester I plan to pass all of my classes with a B average or above. In order to achieve this goal, I know that I need to practice better study habits and attend class even when I am having rough days. Another goal that I have is to be a better forty-niner. Since I live off campus, I did not put the effort into doing …show more content…

My financial issues are mainly caused by tickets. When I get a ticket, I face the issue of finding a way to pay for it. Then I become extremely stressed, and always think worst case scenarios. Eventually, I end up working more hours to make the money to pay off my tickets. I put work before school, which leads to more problems. I believe if I found a way to better manage my stress I could diminish the obstacles I create for myself. Strengths: One of my biggest strengths is time management. Over the years I have learned that good time management skills are a vital skill when dealing with the trials of classes, work, friendships, and family. I will use this strength to successfully manage all of these trials. One other strength I acquire is determination. I have set goals for myself, and I will push myself to achieve these goals. All in all, my strengths may be great but I feel as if they fall short when I am going through difficult times. Since this has been brought to my attention, I plan to work towards changing how this affect me.

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