
Personal Narrative: A Career As A Writer

Decent Essays

My writing story. Throughout my twenty two years of life I have had a love/hate relationship with writing. In school I’ve had English classes in which I enjoyed immensely. Then there were the classes I did not. Sadly a majority of the time it was the latter. Subsequently during my adolescence I was never really interested in writing. I cannot remember a time when I was angry or anxious while preparing to write a paper. I just wouldn’t go as far as to say I enjoyed writing papers. I viewed it as a chore that I wanted to be finished as quickly as possible. But at the same time I’ve always considered myself a average writer and viewed most of my work as well written papers with solid ideas. Yet I would still find myself receiving grades that were much lower than I expected. …show more content…

Those steps are very important to the paper and can make-or-break the outcome and legibility of the paper. Consequently this discouraged me about my skills as a writer and caused me to get nervous about the quality of work I was submitting. As I result, I grew a fear of taking chances in my papers. When I first started college and took a remedial English course, and did very well. I regained my confidence in my writing skills and was at the level I needed to be at. However second semester I took a college level English course and failed miserably. I realized my problem was I overcompensated for my fluency or wit as a good writer, I would overlook my various punctuation and style

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