
Personal Narrative: Advanced Math

Decent Essays

Am I chosen for Advanced Math? I could barely listen over that repeating thought and my pounding heart as my teacher began listing out the selected students. I let out the breath I was holding in as I heard my name get called out. The next day, 15 of my fellow classmates and I carried our books to the classroom down the hall and peered inside. Noticing that it was empty, we lined up in number order near the doorway. As the clock ticked by, the sound of restless kids began to mix with our nervous chatter and fill the hallway the more we eyed at the classroom. The moment we saw a figure emerge, the hallway became silent. He was of medium height but towered over us with authority. His folded arms and hard-set face demanded respect as he looked at us for a long moment before …show more content…

I had to stop solely focusing on math and start trying to improve on my reading and writing. For the longest time, I avoided reading the classics because I was afraid I wouldn’t understand them or they were boring. I had always read for pleasure and even considered myself a bookworm at one point. The problem was that I had only read “brainless” books, books that were easy reading. I started with what looked to me as the simplest, shortest book: Animal Farm. The book took me two hours to finish. After reading it, I thought to myself, that wasn’t too bad. I felt proud that I had decided to start reading those types of books. The next few books I read were similar in level and length. I decided that I would try to read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It took me a long time to fully comprehend what I read and I couldn’t make myself read the book for more than a few hours a day. When I finally finished, I jumped up and ran to tell my older sister, the real bookworm of my family, the good news. I was even more excited to tell her how my reading score jumped 100 points after I had taken a practice

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