
Personal Narrative Essay

Decent Essays

The most nerve-wracking ordeal for any singer is executing a solo. Performing in an ensemble can be stressful in its own way, but making an error in that setting is far less of a problem. If one vocalist sings slightly flat or enters at the wrong time, it is hardly noticeable and is typically covered up by the rest of the choir. However, this safety net does not exist for the solo singer. All of the pressure to sing with near perfection falls squarely on your shoulders. It was that pressure that made me wary of trying out for solo parts during high school. Only on five occasions did I memorize a piece and perform by myself. The first four were for a “Solo and Ensemble” contest each year. I did fairly well on these, receiving few negative comments …show more content…

This solo was to be performed at UIL, an event that came only once a year. This was our choir’s time to shine, a time for us to compare our skills as musicians with other ensembles in the region. Every year we would spend months perfecting the songs we would perform, ensuring we received top marks in every category we could. During UIL season, student and director alike were pushed to their absolute limit. I remember being given that year’s UIL music sometime in early March. It was a wide selection of pieces, consisting of everything from French to Zambian songs for the men and Italian to Latin songs for the women, as well as a few mixed pieces. After listening to the mixed songs, our choir split in half and began to experiment with their gendered pieces. It was then I heard the song I would eventually have a solo for. It was an arrangement of an old Appalachian folk song by the name of “Pretty Saro”. It was a slow moving ballad, filled with moments of rich emotion and utter harmony. I immediately took a liking to the song for its wonderfully written arrangement and the story it told to those who listened. However, I did not see myself trying out for the solo part. It was a tremendous amount of responsibility to perform a solo for such an important

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