
Personal Narrative Essay: The Loss Of Yoly

Satisfactory Essays

Yollie get home and runs up to her room and she cried and she cried and then yollie stopped and heard something come up the stars and the stairs went CREAK,CREAK,CREAK. And yollie got scared and hid under her bed when the door opened yollie sought that is was her mom and then yollie come out of hiding hi mom hi yollie why did you come in crying. Look at my dress it all ruined. It's ok yollie (yollie hugs her mom) we should go and get you a towel to dry off because you are wet. I will put a nice cup of hot cocoa and we can talk and little bit more. Ok yollie replied. Yollie comes down and sat on the couch drinking a nice cup of hot cocoa. Her mom came over and and told yollie that my dance went the same way so I know how you feel. The next

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