
Personal Narrative: My Senior Year Math Class

Decent Essays

Imagine someone backing up a dump truck, opening your head, and emptying an entire truck of mysterious things that you know nothing about inside. Sounds crazy huh? Well that’s basically what “banking education” is, and what hordes of teachers are doing. I had the chance to experience this first hand in my senior year math class. A couple of the kids in the class hated it, they thought it was too much information at once and too confusing. But the majority of us liked it and believed it to be very rewarding. We liked it because we moved faster than other classes, it forced us to rewrite our notes in our own words so that we better understood, and it taught us to work together outside the classroom, which better helped us not only succeed in the math class but also other classes and areas of life as well.
The teaching technique of banking education increases the pace of the class it is used in. This was proven to me in my math class. In the class the teacher would speed through the notes only telling what was important and taking very few questions. This greatly quickened the pace of the class due to us not having to go through a multitude of examples because people didn’t get it or simply because a …show more content…

When we were taking notes there was never any time to right anything word for word if a person tried they were instantly behind. This therefore caused us to actually have to pay attention and sort through useless junk and only wright the necessary material. It also became routine for us to reword all of our notes in our own terms so that we better understood. Due to the fact that our teacher was using the “depository” teaching method and just dumping everything she knew on us, the notes weren’t always in the friendliest of terms. This process greatly helped to engrave what we were being taught into our

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