
Personal Narrative: The North West Outdoor School

Decent Essays

The North West Outdoor School is a place where I have learned a lot about myself, and a place that has changed and sparked exciting ideas and values into the 6th grade children.

Since halloween was around the corner, I thought a little halloween craft would be great. Of course I first asked if everyone celebrated halloween, and with all the nodding from every child, we began my favorite part of the whole week. We shared halloween jokes, and no matter if we have heard them before or not, we all laughed hard. People were pretending to be ghosts and said what their costume was going to be. Eventually, the scraps were flying everywhere like snow, so we had a contest as to whoever picked up the most trash would get a spectacular high-five. They all had fantastic attitudes and were great listeners, which made me smile even more.

Outdoor school is so much more than learning new facts about a centipede and filling out the learning journals. It impacts growing human beings …show more content…

During field studies, they became better cooperators by raising their hands and being more involved as they were gaining new confidence. They also were becoming better listeners to the instructions of games and new concepts. At the last campfire, I noticed some kids going to the front to teach us a song, being so optimistic and comfortable with themselves. These kids were with no doubt more responsible and aware of their actions and choices, as well as showing respect for the rules by following them, for nature by picking up trash, and for the people by paying more attention when they were speaking.

I interacted with so many different counselors with different personalities, which made me think about my own perception of the world and my own values , which I find very rewarding. I also made new friends, which is huge for me because I have some social anxiety.

I have learned so much that I will carry with me forever all because of Outdoor

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