
Personal Statement For Mechanical Engineering

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Humans have a natural tendency to feel attraction towards mystery. When I was a kid, Machines were mysterious to me, to be completely forthright, it is as yet the same. Whenever I visited my grandfather’s machine shop then, those lifeless-creatures always enchanted me. In fact, my adolescence was surely brimming with doing all the fun things, at least to me. Splitting a toy, then dismantling its motors, later use them to make a water boat-electric fan was my regular activity. Since machines had lured me all my life, it was an obvious decision to choose mechanical engineering as my future endeavor. Now, after completing graduation from the Islamic University of Technology, a top-tier (OIC-Affiliate) and only international University of Bangladesh, I would like to pursue a career accomplishing a Ph.D. in the field of “Mechanical Engineering” as an ardent Mechanical Engineer. My personal interest, academic performance, brief exposure to research, professional experience and inquisitiveness led me to believe that it would not only allow me to expand my knowledge but also would give me the opportunity to obtain my eventual objective of taking up a research-oriented career in the field of mechanical engineering.
As undergraduate students, we have been exposed to a variety of subjects in this field, thus it would be difficult to specify certain research area(s), but over the years I have been greatly fascinated by the fields of intelligent systems and robotics especially the

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