
Personification Of Evil In Beowulf

Decent Essays

Beowulf is a splendid legendary account of heroism that influences the audience to live about their lives heroically without succumbing to illusions and false hopes. There is no mortal man who is strong enough to prevail against death itself, but Beowulf has illustrated how the human will can transcend and overcome the obstacle opposing the most ruthless of human fears. After gathering all the evidence and symbols, herein lies the three evils that Beowulf exemplified: Physical, moral and metaphysical. The Physical evil
Grendel is the most formidable personification of physical Evil. The author precisely precisely portrayed, Grendel lives “in a hell not hell but Earth.” They have not found even the smallest understanindg of Grendel’s physical …show more content…

Beowolf’s poise is strong and Grendel pushes away from his compelling squeeze and conclusively destroys himself. Another Character that contrasts with Beowulf is Unferth. Unferth’s test toward Beowulf’s honor differentiates him from Beowulf and assists in revealing some of the subtleties of the heroic code thar becomes maditory for the warriors to follow. Unferth is illustrated as inferior, a compliment to the almost flawless Beowulf. Unferth can also be seen as a foil. (a foil is a character who contrasts with another character(usually the protagonist) in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character.)The harshness of Unferth’s berating of Beowulf over his swimming match with Breca evidently mirrors his resentment of the praise that Beowulf gains. It most likely started from his guilt at knowing he is unable to defend Heorot himself. He is Obviously not the kind of warrior that legend would have any recollection of as a person. In the current time of this poem, ostentatious behavior is a form of self -affirmation, Unferth’s strong words displays that it not a great idea to become sour or unfavourable to others. Rather Instead of exuding qualities of heroism, Unferth’s intimidation shows dignity and jealousy. Further in the story, when Unferth gives Beowulf his sword for his battle with …show more content…

He enters the battle with the dragon. It is a beast of epic demensions- one being who is not person and is ferocious and intimidating. The dragon represents metaphysical evil. The substantial amount of evil is found in his capability to set anything ablaze and sour the skies at will. It is the destruction that mankind awakens by theft. Beowulf is not known for his thievery, but he must preserve the honor of his people. His outdated fighting intelligence caused his fatigue, but he entered this battle with his head strong, walking into his final battle, even though he forsaw this battle to be his last. The rise and fall of the human spirit, the contrast of maturity and the blend of wisdom and pride is what this tale divulges

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