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As life is full of trials, obstacles, and inner struggles, these factors test and form character. So what defines an individual’s character? Often times, the meaning of character is lost because it is not a tangible object. Yet, as Willard mentions in his writing called “The Heart in the System of Human Life”, if one cares about his or her “spiritual core- your heart or will - you must first understand it” (Willard 27). Willard exposes a valid point- that every man and woman must set off on a quest to first understand what creates character and then determine who they are. Character is taking one’s natural tendencies and disciplining them under an umbrella of a moral standard. Therefore, an individual's character must include moral discipline, …show more content…

A person’s perspective plays an extensive role in character because they have feelings that, as Willard states, “inclines us toward or away from things that come before our minds in thought” (Willard 32). Similar to Willard’s explanation of how feeling and thought are interdependent on each other, a person’s perspective comes hand in hand with his character. Just as one cannot have an emotion without a thought beforehand or after, it is impossible to have character without an opinion or a belief. In literature,“flat characters” are uncomplicated characters that do not change throughout the plot of the story, unlike “round characters” in which they are complex and developed throughout the story. Without perspective, one’s true character does not grow and often becomes weak and “flat”. Perspective is what makes humanity …show more content…

Free will is a key aspect of one’s character because it gives the individual an added sense of responsibility and control. Thus, freedom is something that mankind has always fought for through generations because it is something that is valued across the world. One’s character is constantly changing and there is no such thing as “staying the same”. So in reality, we are either striving to grow in areas of our lives or we are getting worse. Therefore, it is crucial to take advantage of every opportunity that comes knocking and be deliberate in taking steps that will either strengthen or weaken a person’s

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