
Persuasive Essay Homework

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When the twentieth century began, we viewed the mind as a muscle that could be strengthened through mental exercise. Since this exercise was done at home, homework was viewed favorably. During the 1940s, the emphasis in education shifted from drills to problem solving. Currently, homework is required by all that leads to academic success. Required. That word seems to scare many and stress all. There is nothing worse than watching a child struggle to accomplish a task that is required for completion. Stress will overcome them, and the depression overwhelms their body, causing them to stop trying and experience anxiety. It is difficult to help students who have this problem. They feel as though giving up is all they can do, and they can accept the poor grade. Furthermore, there is a limit on everything; however, homework is breaking through those limits. Homework for elementary school students is higher than ever. Teachers should be teaching children to have a balance of play and school, but it is becoming harder to balance this because of all of this schoolwork. Even for the people participating in sports, it is hard to have that balance of school, work, sports, and family time. Learning what benefits a student in school should be a priority; however, this is not being brought to teachers’ attention. Although teachers believe homework benefits students, it denies them from expanding their academic abilities as it impacts the amount of time spent participating in activities

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