
Persuasive Essay On Australia Day

Decent Essays

Australia Day is held on 26 January each year but do you know why? Well it marks a significant date in Australia's history but not everyone thinks it's a date that should be celebrated. Recently, there have been calls for Australia Day to move.
Australia Day which the Aborigines call ‘Invasion Day’, ‘Day of Mourning’ and ‘Survival Day’, marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Sydney Cove.
New South Wales, especially Sydney, has long celebrated 26 January as the beginning of British occupation of Australia. All other Australian states and territories came to accept Australia Day as a day to celebrate in 1935, celebrating it altogether with a long weekend.
To many, Australia Day is a day of celebration of the values, freedoms, pastimes and new beginnings of our country. To some, it is a day celebrated at a barbeque with family, friends and alcohol …show more content…

January 26 has multiple meanings: it is Australia Day and it is also, for some, Survival Day or Invasion Day.”
A protest labelled ‘Day of Mourning’ was held by Aboriginal Australians on 26 January 1938, the one-hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary of British colonisation of Australia. The National Museum of Australia states, “It was the first national gathering of Indigenous people protesting against the prejudice and discrimination that was a daily part of their lives, and marked the beginning of the modern Aboriginal political movement.” This protest was undertaken due to circumstances which have taken away the rights and freedoms of Aborigines. In this case, the British claimed that the land was terra nullius as the Aboriginal Australians did not seem to have any concept of law or ownership of the

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