
Persuasive Essay On Child Sex Trafficking

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What comes to mind when hearing the word “child”? Maybe it is a simpler time, excitement, or innocence. What if the words “sex trafficking” were added after it, then what? Child sex trafficking is one of those taboo subjects that we hear of on the news, yet nobody feels comfortable discussing in public, especially because society has trained us as individuals to believe it will never happen to us. However, it is necessary in order to fight it and diminish its existence. This paper will reveal not only the definition of child sex trafficking and those most likely to become victims, but also how expansive it is locally as well as federally and internationally, legislation on the topic, survivor stories and their need for support, and The United Nations Convention defines a child as a human being under the age of 18. Whereas, sex trafficking is defined as any profitable sexual act prompted by force, fraud, or coercion. Different techniques such as physical restraint, rape, confinement, posing as a false agency or other service jobs, making a person afraid to seek help, or blackmail are used to target victims into the trafficking market. In the global commercial sex trade there are 2 million children subjected to prostitution (Child Trafficking Statistics). This market has created easier selling conditions with the market value for human plummeting, predators now have more of a chance to find and acquire victims. The average selling price in the United States for a

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