
Persuasive Essay On Concussions

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For years, Scientists have been trying to find ways to help prevent so called concussions in the sport of football. They have not had huge success but have had little gain in ways to help prevent them. The NFL has been the target for the cause of concussions. Even though it is the players who cause them on one another. Concussions can be very minor to very severe. Although there is no cure for concussions scientist believe they will eventually find a way to cure them.
Concussions in football are starting to be seen more often. Concussions are the swelling of the brain. You can get a concussion from being hit in the head or other parts of the body, that shakes your brain. When it comes to football players they want to have the biggest hits …show more content…

Currently 55% of Americans and 60% of fans have heard “a good deal” about the link between football concussions and long-term brain damages. Everyone will not receive a concussion in the sport of football, but people are scared about what if I get one, will I have long-term brain damage as well. No. Long term brain damage happens from repetitive hits to the head.
People are beginning to blame the NFL and football leagues for their concussion. The NFL has been set afire over the past few years. Former players are beginning to sue the league because of concussions they have received throughout the years for playing. There are 4,500 ailing retirees who, in 2011, sued the NFL over a perceived negligence to warn them of the sports risks. In return that cost the National football league $765 million dollars. So, over the next 65 years, all retired NFL players can receive baseline medical exams, educational services and a payout formula based on illness and age. This lead a spark to college football players who in return have filed lawsuits against the NCAA (National College Athletic Association) for concussions they allegedly sustained as student players.
Former NFL players have sustained very serious concussions resulting in memory loss. Former Pittsburg Steeler, Mike Webster, suffers from CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) This is brought on by two or more decades of brain battery on the field. Mike Webster played the center position for the Pittsburg Steelers. The

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