
Persuasive Essay On Prescription Drug Abuse

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In the United States of America, there is prescription drug abuse epidemic that continues to be a growing concern. Prescription drugs cause a large amount of overdoses and result in an abundant amount of deaths each year. A government study conducted shows this epidemic is scarily on the rise, “A recent government study found a 400% increase in prescription drug abuse between 1998 and 2008” (Schreiner 531). The excessive use of prescription drug abuse is leading to nonmedical use of the drugs, and creating addiction. Furthermore society is paying an extreme amount of money in this battle. With this drug abuse on the rise, legislators must create a law preventing doctors and pharmacists from over prescribing prescription medications as well a law to require they both participate in drug monitoring programs to prevent drug abuse. Now is the time that doctors and the pharmaceutical industry must be held accountable for their role in causing one of America’s worst addictions. The over medication of prescription drugs in the United States must be brought to an end by legislators creating laws to stop …show more content…

These programs can be successful when applied but without a physician being required to participate they can be unuseful as it leads to lack of accurate information for public health records. Doctors and pharmacist should both have a legal obligation to check a drug monitoring database and participate further in drug monitoring programs. Doctors and pharmacies should also be investigated for prescribing large quantity of prescription medication resulting in legal action if perhaps they are found guilty of overprescribing. With legislators onboard to curb the misuse of prescription medication this problem can finally be

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